
The sands of time were eroded by
The river of constant change

What's new on the site? What's still to do?

(Why keep a changelog?)

December 2024




View changelog from further in the past

August 2024


  • A ritual script for the Funeral of the King, developed collaboratively by the community
  • Audio-books, spoken word albums, and radio plays - in the Listening Library
  • A list of exercises, practices, contemplations and books for encountering Deep Time
  • With nary a hint of a wink, a monograph of advice on tools for Fencraft
  • Choose Your Focus guides advancing Fencrafters towards different goals for their work - from priesthood, to witch-craft, to time travel.
  • A (lightly updated from the Wordpress) Welcome page, describing what we do in showing quotes, sounds and images


  • Some hotfixes for First Pages, adding better structure and a bit more information.
  • Edited one of the Fen in Five bullet points that wasn't clearly explained.

July 2024


Radio Astercote is now live once a week at KP Radio - and available download after airing at the show page.

The show goes out at approximately 6pm London/12pm PST on Sunday, but is often a little late as time flows differently in Astercote.

~ & ~

The Fencraft community are trialing a weekly community meetup on Discord around or after the same time as the broadcast. It's informal and small - a bit of a book/film club, sharing thoughts from walks and asking questions.


  • An addition to the Get Started section: First Pages, directing newcomers to the most important explanations of what we do.
  • I'm miserable attempting to do ~social media promotion~ so I've made a collection of POSTERS and FLYERS. Even though it is traditional for Pagans to avoid proselytising, I am an avid collector of religious pamphlets from other backgrounds and I've always been tickled by the idea of writing my own. Available in a range of sizes, in printer-friendly B&W, and tongue only slightly in cheek. See also: the leaflet from the First Church of the Fen at Magpie, the Community Shop.
  • I have replaced my paintbox, and there are four new Fensymbols: a Compass, the Red Ring, a Landspectrum and a Skyspectrum
  • Radio Astercote now has a logo


  • The Basic Practices course has been reorganised, tidied up behind the veil, and lightly edited.

June 2024


  • The Morning Paper will now show accurate sun times if you set your location (at the bottom right of the page where it says 'location'). This data is stored in localStorage, never leaves your browser, and can be deleted at any time - by clicking 'hide' on the page, or by deleting localStorage through your browser settings.
  • A simple set of practice prompt cards, sorted by energy level, because I tend to forget what my options are


  • Changelog got a code brush-up
  • The Library has a new landing page & set of subpages. The previous one was unwelcoming to navigate and overwhelming.
  • My Regular Tasks page has a new background & is linked for easy reference

May 2024


  • A template for Cloister Day - keeping a regular day aside for magic and ritual
  • A new mixtape: Fendance, collecting the best of the beats for moving your body to from RA's folk/prog/hauntology collection - just in time for May.
  • A page collecting the Radio Astercote Presents... mixtapes
  • Prayer & ritual selections for the Changeling, drawn from the Commonplace book
  • A new meditation - the Meditation of Farseeing - connecting where you are to the Infinite.
  • An Index of all pages - 109 at time of writing - that are essaylike and substantial. If you are lost, seek things here.
  • A mixtape for the Changeling in time for May: doomed village maidens, fairies in the forest, folklore and rock flute
  • A page on Forest Fellows - the aspects of those who are to be met with in the woods
  • An album of Forest Fellows to accompany it
  • A page of Spirit Quickies - powers without a page of their own I want to note down in public.



  • Slowly rolling out a 'last updated' feature on each page, starting with newer pages (adding them to old pages will, of course, update the page and no longer indicate its age).
  • A lot of re-organisation behind the scenes, looking at the half-written bits, putting things in the right folders, renaming things and so-forth.

April 2024


  • A journey for the Keeper: a visit to Magpie - inspired by and hosted at Marigold Town.


  • The Dashboard now links to the oracle, plus I've fixed an error with the Calendar, & the moon should display better on mobile
  • The Radio Times now displays correctly on mobile


  • The calendar widget (viewable on the Dashboard and the Calendar pages) will now report to the console if an event in the dataset is set to occur in a single year only, instead of every year (an accident easy to make through Fantasy Calendar, where I originally made the data)
  • It also logs conditional events - events reliant on other events, moon phases, solstices and so on - which my code can't currently represent.

March 2024


  • Advanced advice on Walking - now you are spending all this time out of doors, what are you supposed to do there?
  • Another destination - the Hillside - a place to scramble away from the Village, see it in full, but see also fardistant horizons and places unimagined.
  • And the Fields - to be idle at your work and go about daydreaming


  • The Commonplace Book now shuffles its quote order, so multiple quotes from a single source are less clumped, and there is no weighting between earlier or later sources.
  • I have finished Winters in the World by Eleanor Parker, an overview of Anglo Saxon poetry through the year, and updated the Commonplace and the Calendar
  • The Radio Astercote Album List and Tagged Songs List have been updated.
  • The Journeys Index is now ordered from Sun to Sanctuary
  • Updated images in Solar, Hillside, Fields, Lightbringer
  • The home pages now display a different wallpaper at night-time; the background color (displayed when an image is not available) has been changed to a more attractive harvest gold
  • Links to other parts of the site on the Basic Practices page are now correct
  • The Picturebook landing page has received the new layout update, and some word tweaks.
  • Landscape pages now reveal their background images in full

January 2024


  • A new place to explore - the Sanctuary, the meeting of air and water under the moon. Among other things, travellers stopping at the Sanctuary may seek wisdom from the oracle.


  • The Commonplace Book - a collection of Landweird fragments drawn from book, film and popular culture - has been updated. There are a handful of new selections, plus a new more minimalist and 'calm' reader-friendly design.
  • The daily dashboard now displays a random picture. Because of how lychee processes and saves images, at this time I have no way to put credit under an image - I don't understand enough about where it stores this information. Credit information can (often, but not always) be located by looking through the lychee album
  • The calendar widget should now show the festival correctly if today is a festival day.
2023 | Lammas - Wintertide

November 2023


  • A dashboard for you to check each morning - with reminders of upcoming festival dates, a prayer-focus for the day, and more.
    • I don't yet know how to localise the weather to you, nor ensure dates and the like are internationally correct - but checking the weather report each morning is a good habit. It makes you mindful of the changing sky and time across the day and your place in the year, as well as helping you schedule your day's walk and any other outdoor time.
  • A novelty 401 error page


  • Some new dates included on the calendar - I am reading Stations of the Sun

October 2023


  • A new section for the calendar, now my skills at javascript are advancing.
  • Included is a cute little widget telling you what festival comes next. It's not totally finished: it only records festivals with a fixed date, so nothing reliant on the sun (for example) or 'third weekend in August'
  • A shrine to the lost gods, just in time for All Hallows. This is Friends-Only for now, as the information within it is based so very heavily on sources I did not write - but you, dear reader, are a friend, so contact me for access
  • The site now has a RSS feed - use with your favourite feed reader to get updates as they happen
  • A warning that you are Lost on the Way. The website-blocking tool Leechblock will let you redirect to a page of your choice when you go to a blocked site or run out of alotted time, & I wanted to make a page especially for this.
  • A summary of Alchemy in Landcraft - a draft for a very long time.
  • Pages on St Crispinian's Day and All Hallows Eve
  • New album: LAN: The Sanctuary, a Lunar state in which one is separate both from the chaos of the infinite and interruptions by people and society.
  • New album: LAN: The Ancestors, a Solar state which is both dry and inert


  • The Domains section got a visual brush-up because the previous pages were offensive to the eye and hard to read. A couple of word tweaks and more paragraph breaks.
  • The Landcraft section got a very fancy new visual update - it can now be read on mobile, and is overall more pleasing to take in lots of text. No real edits to the text content, which are also much-needed.


  • I am now using FTP (with WinSCP) to manage the site; it is a weight off my mind and a massive reduction in work required

September 2023


Added Pictures

  • New album - The Journey - featuring images which express the awe and overwhelm of ☉🌙✺ viewed as a landscape from the village.
  • New Album - The Night Ride, the 🌙✺ witch-spirits of the sky take flight
  • New Album - ☉🌙, for a hodge podge of disconnected images all expressing the ☉🌙 in some way, but not fitting clearly into a Spirit, Landscape or other category.
  • New Album - Vibes, a collection of images for putting you into the mood of a certain strange and haunted Englishness
  • New Album - Witchcraft, for images of the Witch Queen and the Devil
  • New Album - another for the Good Folk in their woodland crowd
  • New Album - the Wanderer and the Seafarer, currently sharing a folder
  • New Album - I don't know who The Sleeper is yet, but I sure have a lot of photographs. I'm thinking something to do with the Landweird and the Keeper.
  • New Albums - one for Walk, one for Read, one for General Practice, all quite small at present


  • Some new additions across all image albums. I've been sorting my image folders out.
  • Added some links to the Spirits main page to older essays on the topic.
  • Added links for the three paths to the Domains landing page, though not yet moved from the previous
  • Signed up for Webrings and added a few more Links
  • Journey: Forest text now more readable in the Stellar (previously black on black)
  • Columns corrected on Astercote Times
  • Open-and-close javascript on Thought for the Day and Links replaced with CSS
  • Index pages now have marginally more accessible CSS (more semantic, better padding-to-text ratio on mobiles) with the exception of Links, which still needs looking at
  • Removed WebNeko toy (unecessary script/slowed down loading time)

August 2023


  • The first episode of Radio Astercote's Thought for the Day, plus Music Hour, is now up - discussing ceremonial magic.
  • Added an article to troubleshoot your urge to go on your phone. It helps you notice what else you might be feeling and a more nourishing way of resolving that need


  • Novelty 404 page updated with a hard link back to the main page, as I encountered it and it sent me to the wrong place. Fingers crossed its right now.
  • Little additions to Beginners:Walking
  • Greatly expanded the links page - with webrings, other neoweb sites I like, more links from my link collection, and a way to hide the non-relevant links
  • Added some more graphics on the index page
2023 | New Year - Midsummer & earlier

July 2023


  • A playlist page for Radio Astercote, the Fen's community music entertainment broadcast

June 2023



  • Links page now has more fun sites I admire on, and a webgarden you can display on your own site
  • Changelog has a webneko!


  • The image gallery has new CSS so it feels like part of the rest of the book
  • Did a good sort of my offline image gallery

May 2023


April 2023


  • Version 2 of the Reading List! With ~59 new texts, some additional sections (I've got really into witchsploitation trash, and given Tolkien his own corner), and nicer, more maintainable CSS.


  • Fen In Five, a 101 summary of the craft. Updated from the old websites; it was an obvious mistake that this was not on this website already
  • A link to's Deep Sea webtoy on the Journeys page.
  • A fonts directory, showing off all the fonts I use on the site (WIP - in future I will add credit to font creators and links).


  • CSS tweaks for mobile throughout the index section

March 2023


2022 & earlier

December 2022


  • The first visual Journey: on the Skypath

November 2022


  • Revamp main page code to be mobile friendly and maintainable
  • Update links page, with people I know
  • Remove Google Fonts from homepage area
  • Links page should not use a table


Regular Site Tasks

What sections were last updated / what maintenance tasks need doing

Unlock the trapdoor

Roadmap & WIP

What's coming soon/what needs to be done


Top Priorities

  • Finish the Sol-Lun page, and other paths - writing from scratch
    • add and alt text images
    • add and aria DAG symbol
    • check deity directory
  • Write a lesson in Paths
  • Last few steps to complete the Week Planner
  • Find the picture of the man interviewing the bush for /practice.html

New writing

  • SolLunStel intro pages and I guess a course
  • ✪ Course linking together Powers concepts
  • ✪ Course linking together Landcraft concepts
  • Course is missing questions in two sections: Landscape, Locations, and Betweenplaces; Archetypes and the Year
  • ✪ Missing spirit pages
  • How to use the Domains
  • Make a calendar-spirit-tides explainer

Page design

  • ✪ themed areas for like the Sanctuary and stuff, as webpages
  • Sort out all the pages based on writing.css


  • ongoing: use aria-label to make inline unicode symbols screen-reader readable
  • img descriptions on new landcraft pages
  • img descriptions for fensymbols


  • Make a tool that constructs epubs that I could have control over
  • ✪ the SolLunStel correspondence database & pages


  • ✪ Finish oracle deck
  • ✪ More people would link to me if my 88x31 was more attractive


  • Sort out tumblr oauth
  • Timetable online time


  • ✪ transfer dual-path pages
    • Sollun
    • solstel
    • lunstel


New content

  • a 'front cover' for the Landcraft section
  • Create an RSS-to-tumblr-and-twitter style thing
  • Do the annual Reading List update
  • Missing pages
    • the fisher
    • rename fields if you're gonna
    • City
    • Ancestors
    • decide if Wanderer is a spirit or a phase
    • Some missing pages are named and not followed up on in Sol-Lun archetypes
  • create an archive page where people can download a backup of the site easily (temporary fix: use this website downloader)
  • figure out how to get the site backed up on the internet archive
  • I uh really, really want to start a radio station.
  • Upload the jabref file & make it downloadable
  • Sapphire & Steel Episode reviews
  • the 101 information from the old sites.
  • better signposting between areas for totally new people
  • tagging for linking together dispersed areas
  • Make a .json to .ical converter for my Fantasy Calendar
  • Investigate S5 for lessons
  • exportable as epub?
  • make an interactive map with the 2D Link tutorial
  • start collecting sound-clips for the RA folders and playlists
  • Dashboard should recommend a random Reading


  • List what is on the Wordpress & what still needs to come off it
  • tell my 22 wordpress subscribers about the new site
  • check what is in the Wordpress drafts

CSS Improvements

  • use to update all typography
  • Reorganise the library index page, possibly as a 'front room'
  • Make a FAQ layout
  • Correct header information on every page
  • Remove Google Fonts (sitewide)
  • Create one of them lil images in the URL bar (but what?)
  • Make Symbol thumbnails for faster loading
  • figure out where in the gallery the images and the data is stored, to judge if it's worthwhile adding image descriptions - or if they won't be preserved longterm
  • Journeys: Skypath generates white space on mobile
  • Accessibility assessment (sitewide)
  • Wilderblog: change px to em so lines are correct in all contexts
  • Wilderblog: too much background visible on mobile
  • MediaMonkey: can I change the export file to better HTML?
  • Fenvibes: make it look nice
  • ul padding on index pages is far too much on mobile when combined with other (good) padding
  • Basic practices: Walking (say) is actually much nicer in terms of font size than Basic Practices: Main Page, but both could do with less mobile padding
  • i already dislike the Commonplace Book area design
  • Maybe learn Git or Rsync or some kind of enjoyable way of keeping my local and uploaded websites in sync.
  • Create novelty 404 pages
  • pretty list bullets
  • Use more semantic html on index section for screen readers
  • learn about print css


  • Display Radio Astercote widget at right times of day
  • Make a database of Lost God names, for randomisation purposes
  • Save Observance updates to cookie
  • Sitemapper alphabetisation is case sensitive
  • Make an inter-tagged index, possibly with automating the tags, so to link things like Solar:walking etc
  • add meta-description to sitemapper, for use in auto social media updater
  • dashboard will display local weather, using LocalStorage


  • Citations in quotes in the Commonplace should not create newlines
  • remove white border from maytide background
  • higher bitrate wicker man OST
  • Calendar pages need subtitles not h2s
  • Google fonts off the symbols
  • Why are landcraft,non-index pages wrong?
  • Maintain links on Beginners | Three Practices that are no longer relative.
  • Check links to the Reading List not broken by the update
  • Upload site text to my Github maybe? Then it would be up-and-running if the site goes down, albeit without images; not github specifically, because it works with ICE
  • Update fonts page with Wilderblog fonts
  • Spirit index page has no link back to index
  • fantasy calendar looks inexplicably godawful on mobile (is it not mobile responsive...?!) - I asked, and no it's not


  • WIP - Sort out the Pictures folder mess
  • 'You can use Calibre for you ebook converting needs. You can get it to make a single ebook of multiple HTML files by linking to them from a single HTML file you setup as a table of contents like this.' ('


  • Look at social media like an absolute fool
  • make an accessibility commitments webpage
  • Alt-text across the gallery
  • Add self to the webrings and fanlistings

Spirits page

  • Course on Powers/Overview
  • Link images from the lychee currently on WP
  • alt text for all images in articles
  • begin playlist project
  • Add separate page with spirits on map
  • Add missing spirits
  • Words: LB (rewrite)
  • Little edgings need removing/replacing on images I found on pinterest