
Noodly ceremonial magic for folklore and land-magic

I - What Is a Correspondence System?

Before we begin to tinker with new systems, let's understand what they're actually for. Especially suitable for beginner Pagans.

II - No Angels In My Living Room

or; Problems with Other Correspondence Systems
& why I devised my own

An in-depth exploration of some of the problems inherent in existing correspondence systems - especially, New Age use of the Kabbalah. Of most interest to advancing Pagans, who have some experience using correspondence systems and interest in thinking about the issues critically.

See also: Listen to Radio Astercote's Thought for the Day on Ceremonial Magic

III - The Wanderer's Map

The first diagram to learn is the Wanderer's Map, and the layout of our cosmos and our psyche: from a spark of homely gold at the center, out into the infinite dark.

IV - The Domains

The next step is to familiarise yourself with the three Domains: the Solar, Lunar and Stellar

Domain Overview





V - The Paths

Between the Domains are three paths.

(I am tired and so some of these are on the old site for now)

Once you have the Domains and Paths under your belt, you can bolster your instincts about them by reading through the correspondence lists:

VI - The Elemental Star

Once the Domains and Paths are well learned, it's time to add in some formal elemental attributions (although you'll probably be familiar already with a lot of this imagery from the other writing, because the elements were implicit in the system for a long time before they behaved themselves into a nice, clear star.

The elemental system of Landcraft - fully painted and described

Click on the part of the image you wish to visit to begin!

Note: Revisiting this in 2024, the vibes it evokes are still more-or-less correct, but the way I've expressed it is a total mess, and I wouldn't consider this section of the website 'current'.

VII - The Elemental Star: Commentary

Notes on usage and design.

See also: A whole collection of painted symbols, each of which are wrong in their own way.

VIII - Alchemy

The underlying pattern of all things - ways to think about the imagery of Landcraft as a system, describing magic and the landscape

IX - Three Ways

The Sun, Moon and Star as approaches to practice - from how to approach the Powers, to how to understand your work.