Meditative journeys through the landscape
Pictures & Words
The journey from ☉ to ✺, by way of 🜂 🜃 🜄
Written as an example of how to find the aspects of a thing - in this case, of a forest.
The journey from ☉ to ✺, by way of 🜂 🜁 🜄
Words & Credits
Words & Credits is the screen-reader accessible version of the Pictures link
The City
Lose Yourselfyour life is a clock and the clock is a cage: measured, unending, ordered, surveilled, rigid and unliving as stone.
See also: images
An introduction and summary of ☉☽ places
The Fields
Go for a strollYou slip off early from work into the heat of the day - walking along the hedgerows, listening to the crows and poking about the carvings in sleepy old pubs. As you doze the afternoon away under the dapple of a tree, dreaming of what is beyond the woodland's edge, what has been imagined cannot be undesired.
See also: Images
The Hillside
AscendBothered by your day, you stumble outwards on paths rarely taken, until you find yourself halfway up the scramble overlooking the houses and the little fields. The wind soothes and sharpens your thoughts, and once at the top you cannot help but notice it is just as much trouble to go back as to carry on, for from here all directions are downhill.
See also: Images
The Community Shop
Pop in to see what's thereThere are great mysteries hidden in the clutter, the much-touched and forgotten things which surface at the Astercote community shop.
The Sanctuary
EnterOnce you are beyond the Village outfields and into your adventure, you may find your way here - when it is most needed, and least expected, a place of wisdom, rest and healing - but do not be deceived and tarry too long, for the Sanctuary is also trap and test.
See also: Images
The Bog
Wade in and lie downThis land remembers. An alchemical location where land and water meet beneath the star, representing hidden things, lost gods, and landmemory
The Sea
The Deep See by neal.funA web toy by a scale model of the ocean which you explore by scrolling down the page.
I use a meditation where I slowly sink down into the sea, passing from the Solar through the Lunar towards the Stellar dark.
The Void
Into the AbyssThis is a web toy by Darryl Huffman
It may not be suitable for people vulnerable to flashing images.
No adequate image description is possible: it is a photo of deep space with stars and strange colours, with a black hole effect. Moving the cursor moves the black hole and causes the space photo to distort. Clicking makes the black hole pulsate and zoom inwards, whereas click-and-dragging distorts wherever you move the cursor. Letting go and whatever you did reverses at super speed.