
"Not haunted," said Gwyn, after a while.
"More like - still happening."

Book of Days

About the Calendar

Fencraft sees the tides of the year as tides, not fixed days, as we draw our magics from the ever-changing weather and the living powers who know no human calendar; and those calendars have changed, so that dates we find in the old lore may be no longer exact, and the seasons have changed too. The mighty ones experience time as trees do. I find the sense of an Approach, an Event and an Ebbing Away seems truest to how landscapes are, as well as most humane for how to fit it around living: some late ritual is better than no ritual perfect and on time.

You can see all the (approximate) dates I keep on my Fantasy Calendar (for now), and over time, notes on what I do will be added here. All dates are liable to change at any time - some I've merely noted down as proposals, others I have followed for several years. Climate change makes fixed dates quite tricky, as many feast-days are now as much as a month or more out of place.

The Calendar is very busy. My own preference is to always have something I could be doing - more in the manner of a saint's day than a sabbat - to make every day special, and a reminder of what is awesome and brilliant.

The next festival is


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Day by Day

A week-by-week recommendation of themes to focus on throughout the year - being co-hosted here as well as on social media.