All text and images on this site created by me are copyrighted to me. As such, using quotes and pictures is fine in some contexts, but not reproducing huge chunks, claiming them as your own, or monetising them.
For the forseeable future, there will not be an initatory or group-membership requirement to use or participate in the craft set down here. I may begin to create the structures of this on an optional basis (for the various benefits that formal initiation/formal groups provide) - but you should feel welcome to begin with these materials without waiting for permission, and use them in your private or group practice.
Religions are living things; and I encourage people to experiment, tinker, blend, adapt and change what I've created for their personal use (or use of their working group). If you do this, I'd love to read your blog or other notes about it. To build a real community culture needs more participants and hands: and your small part might be very different from how I see things, but is of equal worth.
Please do not republish, or adapt this system, to form the basis of a book, online course, or monetised web presence, or any other kind of commercial activity.
Making reference to the tradition or parts of it in, say, a magical encyclopedia, or one-off youtube video for your channel, are ok.
The primary thing I do not want to see is someone lifting my hard work wholesale as the basis of their career; what I have assembled took time, resources and effort, and consequently has value; but it is by my choice that it is offered freely as a gift to all-comers.
Creating works of craft or ritual tools/garb to sell featuring the spirits, themes and imagery here so long as they are hand-made rather than mass-produced: tentatively OK (especially as so many of our themes are basically just drawn from the wider culture) but above a certain volume you need to check in with me.
Our community and faith is not open to people who are committed to racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, fascist ideology, white nationalism, misogyny - or the polite faces of any of the above. The Landweird is contradictory, mixed, ever-changing and stranger than human comprehension; if you struggle with the everyday strangenesses of human diversity and freedom, you will be blind to what we seek, and additionally, I just don't want to spend time with you.
I'd like to ask that anybody who is participating and interacting with my microcult uses these same guidelines. Be proud and protective of anything you are creating and sharing when someone wishes to exploit it. You have been gifted freely so gift freely in return. See yourself as a peer, not a leader, and always stay open to different ways of doing and seeing. Keep an eye on participants and followers and cut out anybody with an extremist ideology. Be gentle.